Day One, Web2.0 for Development Workshop, Accra (7th March, 2011)

The training proper began at 10.40 a.m. and the opening session was handled by Mr. Justin. The program outline for Introduction to Web2.0 for Development included: search magic, information self-service, remote collaboration, online mapping, and communicating voice over the internet, online publishing and social networking.
Mr. Justin set us on ‘jolly mode’ by playing a video of some Chinese immigration officer who kept ‘thoroughly’ searching his female subjects. Laughter invaded the room, Ritz nearly lost a rib! Only Isaac Chanda, the self-acclaimed ‘Most Handsome Dude, South of the Equator’ refused to laugh. He looked extremely jealous. I think he wanted that officer’s job!
The trainer creatively represented issues on Web2.0 with the 10 fingers of the right and left hand. The right fingers captured the tools associated with Web2.0, which include: blogs and vlogs, wikis and social network tools, tags, RSS feeds and mash-ups. The left hand fingers embodied the issues that Web2.0 dealt with: people, access, supporting participation, content (texts, sounds, videos, images, etc.) and change (you may not like Heraclitus but ‘change is not only constant’ but necessary!).
Practical sessions involved the use of Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds and Drop Box. With RSS feeds we could gather news from various sites by subscription and having the news brought to a central account to save us the stress of having to visit sites frequently to check for new information. We started out by opening a Gmail account and then learning how to use Google Reader to subscribe to feeds from different sites. Simple process: get the url of the feeds, type the address in the ‘add subscription’ box in the Google Reader and then…you know the rest. Click!
Drop Box was a box office hit! This tool enables you to store and backup files; synchronize files automatically on two or more computers connected to the internet and share files and folders with your peeps! With Drop Box, you don’t need to attach or zip those large folders you send as emails. Just use your Drop Box to ‘share’. Now I love this one! It means I really don’t need to be walking about with these memory sticks that I have so built my ‘document life’ around. I got about three of those memory sticks for good measure, now I think I am going to sell them all to get some fries. Drop Box!
RSS is just as sweet as my mum! And hey, I think I have fallen in love again after my recent heartbreak. Don’t ask who jilted me; I am over her because I got this new love called DROP BOX!
Did I forget to mention lunch? How could I? I mean, it is one of the reasons I am in Ghana after all. Ok, I think I am adding some weight, but that won’t kill, will it?
For the records, I miss Maureen Agena. Ok, that’s enough peeps. You want more? Read my blogs. With this invaluable CTA-CSIR collaboration, I should have one by the end of today! Peace…

This Empty Road

Yesterday was the promise
Laced with choking hope
For me and you my miss
With such clasping stronghold

Time weathers this bond
Rather than brew a fine wine
Acting of our own accord
We brought us here, well aligned

What…what exactly?
A careless shrug…
An indifferent bear hug…
Just one loose tongue…

Life was much simpler
Without these gloomy sighs
Or our celebrity-styled smiles
A house ruined by guile

It’s the end of this line
Leaning all so close
I ponder on the resonance
Seemingly endless…it clatters
As I roam the promenade
Of our deserted beach

I ask me, rudely
Shouldn’t I have ridden more wisely?
But I falter for answers
Yet given another chance
Again I’ll still be camped here
With thoughts of you…
Down this empty road

My pictures

My pictures
we dey here

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Fellas welcome to the prestigious cult for creative minds. We are a special breed, scions of the Muse. A sect of circumcised minds, words our toys, the Muse our guiding sun and creativity ultimately our ambrosia....explore our world.

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